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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Burgerkill : Venomous,The Heaviest Album from The Heaviest Band

Burgerkill, band metal Ujung Berung ini telah lima belas tahun bermusik, tiga album telah ditelurkan, puluhan lirik telah menjadi karya yg menjadi inspirasi pendengarnya. Pertengahan tahun ini mereka akan merilis album studio terbaru dengan formasi dan warna yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Simak perbincangan tim kami membahas tentang album baru yang berjudul Venomous dengan band metal kaliber berat ini saat ditemui di basecamp mereka Rabu (20/04) sore.
Materi apa yang disajikan dalam album Venomous ini?
Yang pasti Burgerkill menyajikan sesuatu yang berbeda dari album terbaru ini karena dari album ke album itu kita selalu pengen nampilin materi yang enggak pernah kita bikin sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan masuknya Vicky dan Ramdan otomatis memberi sesuatu yang jauh berbeda dari formasi yang lama.
Formasi baru memberi perubahan seperti apa?
Kerasa emang perbedaan ketika formasi baru ini terbentuk. Kita jadi memiliki musik yang lebih segar dan selain itu kita juga mencoba membuat lirik yang berbeda, aransemen yang berbeda, apapun.
Mengapa penggarapan album ini memakan waktu yang begitu lama?
Selain karena Vicky dan Ramdan yang masih baru, yang mencoba menyesuaikan diri dengan atmosfer Burgerkill, ada banyak hal yang membuat album ini memakan waktu lama. Di album ini kita bikin materi yang jauh berbeda dengan tingkat kesulitan yang juga lebih. Kesibukan atas pencapaian album sebelumnya yang alhamdulillah sukses juga menjadi salah satu faktor. Selain itu anak-anak Burgerkill juga pengen menghasilkan sesuatu yang matang, tidak buru-buru karena ini adalah karya kita seumur hidup.
Sepeninggal Ivan, siapa sih yang membuat lirik lagu di album ini?
Kita semua ikut ambil bagian dalam menciptakan lirik-lirik lagu di album ini, bahkan Vicky walaupun baru juga ikut menciptakan beberapa lagu. Dan karena kita memang menawarkan sesuatu yang baru, perlu waktu juga buat menyesuaikan apa yang masing-masing kita punya.
Lirik-liriknya bercerita tentang apa?
Karena sekarang kita mengolah sama sama jadi sekarang kita jadi lebih bisa berbicara tentang sosial, tentang apa yang kita liat dan rasain. Beda dengan dulu pas Ivan yang bikin lirik, Ivan lebih banyak bercerita tentang hidupnya dia, personalnya dia.
Pada album sebelumnya Burgerkill sukses mendistribusikan ke Australia, yang sekarang rencananya kemana aja?
Pengennya sih kemana-mana, nyampe Eropa dan Amerika hahaha… Tapi insyaallah sebulan setelah kita rilis di Indonesia, kita juga bakalan rilis di Malaysia dan Singapura. Khusus untuk Australia, kali ini kita rencananya ga cuma merilis di Australia barat doang, tapi di negara Australia secara keseluruhan. Semua masih proses lah, tapi pasti akan menuju ke sana.
Under the Scars, apa makna yang ingin disampaikan dibalik lagu ini?
Lagu tersebut bercerita tentang sistem yang tidak sepaham dengan apa yang kita jalani, tapi di sana kita masih bisa bertahan dan berjalan dengan tidak memperdulikan sistem tersebut. Kurang lebih kekecewaan kita dalam berkehidupan sosial di negara ini. Dan lagu ini dipilih menjadi single pertama karena yang paling representatif untuk menggambarkan album ini secara keseluruhan. Lagu ini juga merupakan lagu pertama yang kita bikin dan juga lagu pertama yang ditake vocal oleh Vicky.
Apakah Burgerkill juga akan mendistribusikan albumnya secara free download?
kita tidak menentang cara-cara seperti itu, tapi kita punya strategi lain yang lebih baik daripada memberikan full album untuk free download karena kita ingin orang-orang appreciate dengan karya yang telah kita bikin dengan penuh pengorbanan fisik, waktu, pikiran dan materi yang tidak sedikit. Kita berjuang keras menghasilkan karya yang berkualitas agar orang-orang puas dan bisa menghargai karya kita.
Selain album baru, BK juga membuat DVD Documentary yang penggarapannya juga terbilang lama
Kita bikin sesuatu itu karena kita passionate dengan apa yang kita kerjakan. DVD ini memang kita mulai penggarapannya pada tahun 2008. Sama seperti prinsip penggarapan album, kita pengen yang dibikin sama Burgerkill itu adalah sesuatu yang berkualitas, tidak hanya mengutamakan kuantitas. Apalagi ini adalah dvd dokumenter yang menceritakan perjalanan Burgerkill dari 1995 sampai 2010. Dan dengan durasi 1,5 jam, perjalanan 15 tahun itu harus mencakup semuanya. Nyusun cerita 15 tahun ke dalam film durasi 1,5 jam itu juga enggak mudah. DVD documentary ini sendiri bercerita tentang The Heaviest Band in Indonesia, kita bercerita tentang Burgerkill melalui visual. Tunggu aja penggarapan DVD-nya beres.
Ada pengalaman menarik dlm penggarapan DVD documentary tersebut?
Dapat dibayangkan prosesnya begitu panjang dan rumit, mulai dari kita harus interview ini itu, nyari data ini itu, kepotong rekaman dan jadwal tur. Kita enggak nge-hire orang buat penggarapannya, yang ngerjain murni kita-kita. Tahun-tahun awal kita susah nyari data dokumentasi kayak video atau foto-foto. Pernah juga udah setengah perjalanan tiba-tiba data hilang semua gara-gara virus. Bahkan kita tiga kali harus ngulang dari awal gara-gara trouble kayak gitu.
Adalah sebuah rahasia umum kalo band seperti Burgerkill sering bermasalah dengan perizinan manggung di Bandung yang notabene adalah kota kalian sendiri
Buat sekarang sih kita udah ga mikirin hal itu lagi, kita ambil kesimpulan aja kalo sekarang itu adalah fase dimana kita belum bisa bermain di Bandung. Kita percaya aja kalo suatu saat bakalan bisa buat main di kota sendiri.
Tapi bukannya dalam waktu dekat Burgerkill manggung di Burningfest?
Nah itu di Cimahi, ruang lingkupnya udah di luar Bandung. Setahu kita permasalahannya itu adalah ketika bermain di dalam Bandung kota. Dan itupun sebenarnya masalahnya bukan pada perizinannya tapi pada biaya keamanan yang ditetapkan oleh mereka yang berwenang yang jumlahnya sangat besar untuk dibayar oleh EO suatu acara apabila kita bermain di Bandung. Selama ini belum ada EO yang mau ngebayar biaya keamanan yang besar itu untuk ngedatengin kita main di Bandung. Mungkin memang masih belum ada apresiasi pada anak bangsa di negara ini.
Tak bisa dipungkiri kalo perkembangan musik juga tersentralisasi di Pulau Jawa
dengan kemajuan teknologi yang ada sekarang, harusnya mereka yang di luar jawa bisa memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut, seperti internet, untuk bisa mencari bahan referensi, menghasilkan karya yang bagus dan cara publikasi mereka yang baik. Yang ada sekarang dengan berkembangnya internet, banyak orang-orang yang menjadi merealisasikan musik mereka di dunia nyata, kebanyakan mereka bergerak hanya semata di dunia maya doang.
Kasi bocoran dikit dong ke kami kapan rilis albumnya
Nanti kita akan rilis album ini pada bulan Juni dan bakalan ada 9 track plus bonus.
Bonus track?
Ya liat aja nanti. Beli aja Cdnya nanti biar tau bonusnya. Hahaha…

Album Terbaru Burgerkill Akan Beredar Secara Nasional di Australia


Jakarta - Venomous, album studio terbaru dari band metalcore asal Bandung, Burgerkill dikabarkan akan beredar secara nasional di Australia sekitar bulan Juli mendatang.

“Kami baru mendapat kabar dari label rekaman kami di sana (Xenophobic Records) bahwa pihak Firestarter Music tertarik untuk mendistribusikan album baru kami secara nasional di sana,” jelas Eben, gitaris sekaligus pendiri Burgerkill kepada Rolling Stone via telepon.

Rilis nasional di Australia ini berarti nantinya CD album terbaru Burgerkill tersebut akan dijual di berbagai toko CD yang ada di seluruh benua Kangguru tersebut.

Firstarter Music menurut Eben merupakan salah satu distributor rekaman yang bergengsi dan berbasis di Perth, Australia. Xenophobic Records sebelumnya coba menawarkan beberapa album metal dari katalog mereka kepada Firestarter dan hanya tertarik untuk mendistribusikan album baru Burgerkill tersebut.

Venomous yang berisi 10 lagu baru Burgerkill tersebut merupakan album studio pertama mereka bersama vokalis baru, Vicky, sepeninggal wafatnya vokalis asli mereka, Ivan Scumbag di tahun 2006.

Album studio keempat Burgerkill ini menurut rencana akan rilis terlebih dulu di seluruh Indonesia pada bulan Mei mendatang via label Revolt Records dengan distribusi demajors.

“Album ini kayak new era for BK, kami seperti reborn. Memang setelah Vicky bergabung, kami pingin bikin band yang ‘baru.’ Apalagi selama ini Vicky masih cover lagunya Ivan setiap manggung. Terus terang musiknya sekarang kami sesuaikan dengan karakter vokal dia, jadi ada penyesuaian. Malah menurut anak-anak, si Vicky ini tehnik vokalnya lebih beragam dibanding Ivan dulu,” jelas Eben lagi.

Beberapa nomor dari Venomous seperti "Age of Versus," "Under The Scars," "House of Greed," dan "Only The Strong" sempat dikirimkan oleh Eben ke Rolling Stone.

Rencananya yang akan menjadi single pertama nantinya adalah nomor "Under The Scars" yang berdurasi sepanjang 5:09.

Album studio keempat ini memang sudah sejak lama ditunggu-tunggu oleh fans Burgerkill karena terakhir kali band yang sempat tampil di Festival Big Day Out, Australia ini merilis album Beyond Coma and Despair di tahun 2006 silam.

Album terakhir tersebut oleh majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia kemudian terpilih sebagai salah satu dari "150 Album Terbaik di Indonesia Sepanjang Masa."

from rolling stone indonesia

Venomous akan beredar lebih dulu di Indonesia sekitar bulan Mei mendatang.

Bitch & Chong @Xenophobic Records BURGERKILL "VENOMOUS" new album Out June 10th 2011 through XENOPHOBIC RECORDS & FIRESTARTER DISTRIBUTIONS

Jakarta – Venomous, album studio terbaru dari band metalcore asal Bandung, Burgerkill dikabarkan akan beredar secara nasional di Australia sekitar bulan Juli mendatang.

“Kami baru mendapat kabar dari label rekaman kami di sana (Xenophobic Records) bahwa pihak Firestarter Music tertarik untuk mendistribusikan album baru kami secara nasional di sana,” jelas Eben, gitaris sekaligus pendiri Burgerkill kepada Rolling Stone via telepon.

Rilis nasional di Australia ini berarti nantinya CD album terbaru Burgerkill tersebut akan dijual di berbagai toko CD yang ada di seluruh benua Kangguru tersebut.

Firstarter Music menurut Eben merupakan salah satu distributor rekaman yang bergengsi dan berbasis di Perth, Australia. Xenophobic Records sebelumnya coba menawarkan beberapa album metal dari katalog mereka kepada Firestarter dan hanya tertarik untuk mendistribusikan album baru Burgerkill tersebut.

Venomous yang berisi 10 lagu baru Burgerkill tersebut merupakan album studio pertama mereka bersama vokalis baru, Vicky, sepeninggal wafatnya vokalis asli mereka, Ivan Scumbag di tahun 2006.

Album studio keempat Burgerkill ini menurut rencana akan rilis terlebih dulu di seluruh Indonesia pada bulan Mei mendatang via label Revolt Records dengan distribusi demajors.

“Album ini kayak new era for BK, kami seperti reborn. Memang setelah Vicky bergabung, kami pingin bikin band yang ‘baru.’ Apalagi selama ini Vicky masih cover lagunya Ivan setiap manggung. Terus terang musiknya sekarang kami sesuaikan dengan karakter vokal dia, jadi ada penyesuaian. Malah menurut anak-anak, si Vicky ini tehnik vokalnya lebih beragam dibanding Ivan dulu,” jelas Eben lagi.

Beberapa nomor dari Venomous seperti “Age of Versus,” “Under The Scars,” “House of Greed,” dan “Only The Strong” sempat dikirimkan oleh Eben ke Rolling Stone.

Rencananya yang akan menjadi single pertama nantinya adalah nomor “Under The Scars” yang berdurasi sepanjang 5:09.

Album studio keempat ini memang sudah sejak lama ditunggu-tunggu oleh fans Burgerkill karena terakhir kali band yang sempat tampil di Festival Big Day Out, Australia ini merilis album Beyond Coma and Despair di tahun 2006 silam.

Album terakhir tersebut oleh majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia kemudian terpilih sebagai salah satu dari “150 Album Terbaik di Indonesia Sepanjang Masa.”

Dengerin “Under The Scars,” “House of Greed,” disini : http://www.myspace.com/burgerkillofficial .




Salam bangsat para begundal !


LIVIDITY BIO> sick, porn, gore death/grind metal... music to fist your neighbors mother too!! LIVIDITY line up: Dave Kibler - guitar / backing vocals Matt Bishop - guitar / vocals Aaron Heath - bassist James Whitehurst - drums The History.... Lividity began as a 1 man project in 1993 with Dave, victimizing the underground with his first 3 song promo '94 recorded on a yamaha 4 track recorder and a drum machine containing 3 songs... Altar Pices, Mortal Impalement, and Spewing Chunks!! The ideas were dark and dismal, yet heavy and torturous!! As you will hear influences taken from such great bands as Hypocrisy, Bloodfeast, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Paralysis, etc... molded into what will become Lividity!! Tommy Davis joined in on drums and vocals, adding depth to the mix and recording a rehearsal demo titled, "Ritual Of Mortal Impalement" '95 with 9 songs like Graveyard Delicacy, The Process Of Disembowelment, Food, etc.. 6 of these tunes were released on the split cassette from Illinois' murder junkies, Morgue Fetus in '95!! After the split of Illinois' death squad, Desecration, we joined forces with Matt (guitar / backing vocals) and Aaron (bass / vocals) Summer of '95! Went to Private Studios (IL) and recorded the 4 song demo, "Rejoice In Morbidity" '96 through Immortal Records (Pol.)! Containg the classic cuts of Orfice Reconstruction, Fetal Scabs, Tampered Flesh, and Rectal Wench.... Aaron had left the band and we hired Mike Smith on bass from thrashers Avatar (IL), and Matt moved to vocals!! We went to Sinewave Studios (IL) and recorded the 11 song CD, "Fetish For The Sick" '97 through Ablated Records (OH)! This sparked off such twisted anthems as Pussy Lover, Lacerations Of An Unclean Twat, and My Cock It Bleeds as well as rerecorded versions of "R.O.M.I. " demo songs!! Tommy had left band and we hired Nick Null, Nov. '97.... While we were writing music, we released a Live CD titled "Show Us Your Tits" '99 through United Guttural Records (IL) with bonus "R.I.M." demo at the end plus on cassette format through D.I.Y. label Maniacal Brutality Prod. in Latvia (Europe) titled, "Anal Action Live" '99!! We went back to Private Studios (IL) and recorded a 9 song CD titled "The Age Of Clitoral Decay" '00 through United Guttural Records again! Also was licensed to Erebos Productions (Slk) on CD, cassette, and t-shirts in September 2000... licensed to Extreme Souls Productions (Indonesia) on cassette May 2001... bought / licensed with Apidocere Records (Fra) August 2001.... Lividity used 3 of the songs to complete the split 7" with German gore whores, Profanity.. released through Cudgel Agency (Ger) February 2000!!! June 1999, the Europe nation welcomed Lividity as we set off to play 3 countries with fellow demons, Fleshless (Cz) and Sanatorium (Slk) w/ special supports Godless Truth (Cz), Perversist (Cz), Intervalle Bizzare (Cz), Appaling Spawn (Cz), Amorph Pneuma (Ger), Demented Retarded (Cz), 4 Seats 4 Invalides (Cz), Monolith (A), Grind 6.4 (Cz) amongst others!! We trudged through Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia.... On a sad and tragic note... we have had the oppurtunity to excell and write some of the best music we could conjure up from our blackened souls with the creative help from NIck Null!! His life was taken from us July 2000 with a fatal heart attack and didn't recover, so our thoughts and love are with Nick everyday and his family!! James Whitehurst has been slamming the skins for us since April 2001 and is a machine and will only help solidify this unit... We have entered Mercenary Digital Studio (IL) March 2002 to create what we hope will be a landmark release! "...'Til Only The Sick Remain" will be the title and street date is set for June 24, 2002 through Morbid Records (Ger)!! Will contain such songs as Coated With My Semen, Snack Size Tits, T.L.C. (Tight 'Lil Cunt), The Second Cumming, Fetal Scabs, Unrelenting Homicidal Obsession, A Womans Place Is On My Face, Conception Through Ingestion, and more!! Lividity has signed a 2 album deal with German label, Morbid Records!! We welcome Olaf and Carsten into the Lividity camp and appreciate their hard work ethic and longevity of their company!! Morbid Rec. have been very supportive to Lividity for the past few years and makes this deal a special one!! The title will be ..... "...Til Only The Sick Remain" released Summer 2002!! We are working hard to create some crushing tunes that will be more mature in structure yet unrelentless brutality in true Lividity fasion!! Cum support the band that supports the scene!!!!!!!!! KEEPIN' IT FUCKING SICK!!!!!!!! 
updated: March 2002 

Fetish for the Sick



Matt Bishop - Vocals, Guitar
Dave Kibler - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Mike Smith - Bass Guitar
Tommy Davis - Drums

Also Check out:
Show us your Tits! Live
The Age of Clitoral Decay
...'Til Only the Sick Remain


Lacerations of an Unclean Twat

Spread your legs, tied down,wide open! Blade 3 feet up your twat, organs liquefy! Senseless need, my lust I hunger, sick device of torture, I want to see blood! Knife in your cunt, cum and blood are mixing! Gun to my head, force my to fuck the whore! Severed clitoris, total vaginal dysfunction, bath in cum! Rug burt knees, my cock in your ass, I like the stench of shit between my teeth! You scream, my cocks erect, I fuck your body! Drink the mixture of my cum and blood! Whore, bitch!

Feasting on Mankind

Feasting through my wasteland, greeting all who come! Not knowing eternity, not till I'm done! Soon this life will end, when the dead are dead, coats of fleash and bloody stumps! Lust and pain nothing to me! I see your life, come on to thee! come into my room, a pleasurable treat, cock already out, doom! Hear the wenches scream at night, who will be the first to knife? Taking them on by one! Cooking the vagina till it's done! Crucify me for I'm your God, drive the spikes straight through! Release your soul, and it will be mine, feasting on minkind!

Immortal Impact

Weakened soul it's easy to see, possession and control it pleases me! No holding back, the whore is fine! I cut out her crotch, for it is mine! Grasping my throat cold and wretched, breathless gasp, here comes axphyxiation! The grave is calling to put me to rest, corpse lie rotting, maggots and flesh! No holding back, the whore is fine! I cut out her crotch, for it is mine! Blasphemed despodent, re-creation of Heaven! Fallin' angels ablaze, sorcerer of damnation, the weak shall perish, I spit on their grave... the weak shall perish, I spit on their grave, pleasure in pain as bones crackin' in your mind!

Randomly Raped Rectum

Randomly, randomly raped rectum! With my knife, fucking your rectum! I will die, you will die, everyone I see will die, I will die, you will die, die! As you lay there dead beneath me, cock in my hand, lay there dead as I spew my stench on you! I rape you from behind, fucking whore! I shit inside your mouth, I cum! Randomly, radomly raped rectum! I raped your rectum, forced to take my load!

Graveyard Delicacy

Licked her clit to an open cut! Long enough to fucking gut! Greasy whore needed to die, doesn't matter, I don't know why! Vaginal center, innards decay, my cock inside of her...my cum's on the way! Curtains of blood flesh covers my walls, fucking them all, they're all dead...Beating them!

Pussy Lover

Rotting clitoral decay! On your knees now, face to the floor, hands tied together, legs in the air, pray for your virginity as I rape your pink asshole! Journey to beyond, waste deep in feces, as my cock grows, I bath in your feces! Dead cold cunt, maggots are feasting, entrails are sleeping, I got to fuke some more (I must fuck), pumping faster with my cock I rip your hole open, I rape you from behind! Balls deep, I rape your as, balls deep, I rape your ass! Reaching in my pants, I stick my dick straight down your throat, gargling cum, fist fucked, I love your stinky hole, fuck it! Reaching in my pants, I stick my dick straight down your throat, gargling cum, fist fucked, illicit acts, Gods of slime! Sat on my cock, choked on my meat, pictures for later on memories of shit!

Brains for Lubrication

My God help me, rape the dead, your head severed, my cock to your face, cerebral cortex, tight as a cunt, I'll fuck! Stick it inside the hole in your head, cum stained brains now splatter my chest, guts and semen smeared on your tits, I'm done! Fucking your brains into oblivion, planting my seed between your eyes! Skull caves in decaying mess, rancid body, full of shit, defecating rotten crusty brains! Defecating rotten crusty brains! I fuck your fucking skull! Rancid piece of meat, stinking from the burning sun, fetish for the sick, won't take long for me to cum! Defecating rotten crusty brains (X4)!

Devour Humanity

Mangled flesh hangs from the walls, beckoned cries, crucify, blood filled skies, emancipate, shadow of evil from another demension! Stew of human remnants, vital remains, severed limbs, devour...eagerly! Torn apart as you crave life, blackness lurks with every stab, blood spilling forth to create destructive lust! Stew of human remnants, vital remains, severed limbs, devour...eagerly!

My Cock it Bleeds

Sadomastic, necrophobic, raping of the dead, my cock it bleeds (my cock it bleeds) from your rank ass cunt! Puncture wounds are seeping, ozzing, cock dripping with rectal cum, on your face I wipe my cock, smell the stench, I vomit! With my tongue I lick it up, twisted corpse drenched in cum, entrails used as trophies, mark of man, evil now displayed! Rectal seeps, ass sliced open, stepped over the edge of insanity, whore (whore), I smite you with my cock! Conforting, anal sores, on my dick puss it flows (X2)! Beating with a hangar across the face, stupid bitch hanging on a hook, geyser flows, blood spilling on the walls, mark of man, evil now displayed, carving your cavity, eager to mutilate!

Process of Disembowelment

Gouging deeper (blood starts flowing), pumping faster (in her anus), twisting freely (gut the corpse), I cut the whore (she bled like a stuck pig)! Spewing blood on my face, chewing innards and mangled pieces, blood flows down my throat like wine, choking on the vomit still contained within, vaginal cavity still intact for now, my knife now shreds cold cunt, I cook and eat it! Lying cold (gutted and hollow), stored within (my horror chamber), my perversion (sick and deranged), locked away (can't get no more)!

Rectal Wench (balls deep version)

Plugging up your asshole with my stiffened cock! Stroking with my tadpole your bunghole smells of rot! Pulling out my manhood take ahold of rod, stabbing your vagina 'til your fucking dead! Driving at you harder, your crotch begins to swell! You climax on you agony, that pussy sure does smell! Overwhelming stench! Thriving on your semen, lusting for your crack, sizing up your rectum, for the final snack! Overwhelming stench! Penetration has begun, look at how your life is done! Leaving you for rotten stench, now your dead you stupid wench!

All musick and lyrics written and performed by Lividity

Copywritten and protected 1997

Show us your Tits! Live



Matt Bishop - Vocals, Guitar
Dave Kibler - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Mike Smith - Bass Guitar
Nick Null - Drums

Also Check out:
Fetish for the Sick
The Age of Clitoral Decay

...'Til Only the Sick Remain


Rectal Wench (balls deep version)

Plugging up your asshole with my stiffened cock! Stroking with my tadpole your bunghole smells of rot! Pulling out my manhood take ahold of rod, stabbing your vagina 'til your fucking dead! Driving at you harder, your crotch begins to swell! You climax on you agony, that pussy sure does smell! Overwhelming stench! Thriving on your semen, lusting for your crack, sizing up your rectum, for the final snack! Overwhelming stench! Penetration has begun, look at how your life is done! Leaving you for rotten stench, now your dead you stupid wench!

Feasting on Mankind

Feasting through my wasteland, greeting all who come! Not knowing eternity, not till I'm done! Soon this life will end, when the dead are dead, coats of fleash and bloody stumps! Lust and pain nothing to me! I see your life, come on to thee! come into my room, a pleasurable treat, cock already out, doom! Hear the wenches scream at night, who will be the first to knife? Taking them on by one! Cooking the vagina till it's done! Crucify me for I'm your God, drive the spikes straight through! Release your soul, and it will be mine, feasting on minkind!

Devour Humanity

Mangled flesh hangs from the walls, beckoned cries, crucify, blood filled skies, emancipate, shadow of evil from another demension! Stew of human remnants, vital remains, severed limbs, devour...eagerly! Torn apart as you crave life, blackness lurks with every stab, blood spilling forth to create destructive lust! Stew of human remnants, vital remains, severed limbs, devour...eagerly!

Lacerations of an Unclean Twat

Spread your legs, tied down,wide open! Blade 3 feet up your twat, organs liquefy! Senseless need, my lust I hunger, sick device of torture, I want to see blood! Knife in your cunt, cum and blood are mixing! Gun to my head, force my to fuck the whore! Severed clitoris, total vaginal dysfunction, bath in cum! Rug burt knees, my cock in your ass, I like the stench of shit between my teeth! You scream, my cocks erect, I fuck your body! Drink the mixture of my cum and blood! Whore, bitch!

Graveyard Delicacy

Licked her clit to an open cut! Long enough to fucking gut! Greasy whore needed to die, doesn't matter, I don't know why! Vaginal center, innards decay, my cock inside of her...my cum's on the way! Curtains of blood flesh covers my walls, fucking them all, they're all dead...Beating them!

Stench of Virginity

I will rape you from behind, stench of your virginity overwhelms! Forcing my cock to mouth! Suck it you worthless whore! Grinding, pumping, ripping, tearing, raping til' you're dead! Make you vomit feces, all over my dick! Fucking in both holes, pleasure to me, sacred act of killing! I will rape and fuck you til' there's nothing left to rape and fuck, then fuck some more! Ignore your screams for mercy! God can't save me, my mind is bound, crucified! My guilt is laid upon the cross for all the world to see! I will slit you up your crack, aroused by virgin blood, cumming on your bloodstained tits! Both chicks, dead by now! More I need, man, my dick is stiff now! Reach back and lick it, never will I miss the stench of shit that overwhelms all of my sense of reason! Fucking your ass 'til your body turns numb! You will cry and scream, as I pump in your ass! Beg for me to quit! All of the pain that I've inflicted, why don't I just kill you now?! Cry and scream as I pump in your ass (x4)! The pain goes on! To dine on flesh, and beat the corpse into submission! Prosthetics decay as I rot in the bowels of disease!

Process of Disembowelment

Gouging deeper (blood starts flowing), pumping faster (in her anus), twisting freely (gut the corpse), I cut the whore (she bled like a stuck pig)! Spewing blood on my face, chewing innards and mangled pieces, blood flows down my throat like wine, choking on the vomit still contained within, vaginal cavity still intact for now, my knife now shreds cold cunt, I cook and eat it! Lying cold (gutted and hollow), stored within (my horror chamber), my perversion (sick and deranged), locked away (can't get no more)!

Pussy Lover

Rotting clitoral decay! On your knees now, face to the floor, hands tied together, legs in the air, pray for your virginity as I rape your pink asshole! Journey to beyond, waste deep in feces, as my cock grows, I bath in your feces! Dead cold cunt, maggots are feasting, entrails are sleeping, I got to fuke some more (I must fuck), pumping faster with my cock I rip your hole open, I rape you from behind! Balls deep, I rape your as, balls deep, I rape your ass! Reaching in my pants, I stick my dick straight down your throat, gargling cum, fist fucked, I love your stinky hole, fuck it! Reaching in my pants, I stick my dick straight down your throat, gargling cum, fist fucked, illicit acts, Gods of slime! Sat on my cock, choked on my meat, pictures for later on memories of shit!

Orfice Reconstruction

Open wide your geasy hole, sit down on my throbbing pole, pumping faster in and out, your anus tears, you scream and shout! Pulling out covered with shit, licking clean my big 'ol dick, between your legs I start to lick, ripping and tearing I bite your clit! Your face is covered with my spew, tearing off, your nipples I chew, licking at your ass and crack, I dig the knife into your back! Cutting quick I eat your snatch, focus on my horrid task! Fucked like never before or you'll ever be again, decide what's your pleasure, the ass or the slimy cunt, does not matter to me! I shall masturbate on your shallow grave, when my work is done your hole will be torn! Beating with my fist, probing with a stick, cutting out your clit, chewing on your lips! Orfice reconstruct, shame on your whole world, morbid fantasy, sexual release! Swolen glands about to burst from my head the semen spurts! Squirting on the ass and thighs, probing deep I peer inside! She sucked it hard, I sat and watched, when she finished, I slit her throat!

Immortal Impact

Weakened soul it's easy to see, possession and control it pleases me! No holding back, the whore is fine! I cut out her crotch, for it is mine! Grasping my throat cold and wretched, breathless gasp, here comes axphyxiation! The grave is calling to put me to rest, corpse lie rotting, maggots and flesh! No holding back, the whore is fine! I cut out her crotch, for it is mine! Blasphemed despodent, re-creation of Heaven! Fallin' angels ablaze, sorcerer of damnation, the weak shall perish, I spit on their grave... the weak shall perish, I spit on their grave, pleasure in pain as bones crackin' in your mind!

Randomly Raped Rectum

Randomly, randomly raped rectum! With my knife, fucking your rectum! I will die, you will die, everyone I see will die, I will die, you will die, die! As you lay there dead beneath me, cock in my hand, lay there dead as I spew my stench on you! I rape you from behind, fucking whore! I shit inside your mouth, I cum! Randomly, radomly raped rectum! I raped your rectum, forced to take my load!

My Cock it Bleeds

Sadomastic, necrophobic, raping of the dead, my cock it bleeds (my cock it bleeds) from your rank ass cunt! Puncture wounds are seeping, ozzing, cock dripping with rectal cum, on your face I wipe my cock, smell the stench, I vomit! With my tongue I lick it up, twisted corpse drenched in cum, entrails used as trophies, mark of man, evil now displayed! Rectal seeps, ass sliced open, stepped over the edge of insanity, whore (whore), I smite you with my cock! Conforting, anal sores, on my dick puss it flows (X2)! Beating with a hangar across the face, stupid bitch hanging on a hook, geyser flows, blood spilling on the walls, mark of man, evil now displayed, carving your cavity, eager to mutilate!

Brains for Lubrication

My God help me, rape the dead, your head severed, my cock to your face, cerebral cortex, tight as a cunt, I'll fuck! Stick it inside the hole in your head, cum stained brains now splatter my chest, guts and semen smeared on your tits, I'm done! Fucking your brains into oblivion, planting my seed between your eyes! Skull caves in decaying mess, rancid body, full of shit, defecating rotten crusty brains! Defecating rotten crusty brains! I fuck your fucking skull! Rancid piece of meat, stinking from the burning sun, fetish for the sick, won't take long for me to cum! Defecating rotten crusty brains (X4)!

Fetal Scabs

Fetal, take me with your ax! Eviscerate the fetus that's left! Abortion by man made means, oozing, the scabs they bleed! I grabbed her quick, stuck my dick in her face, said "Suck it bitch, if you want to live!" Young girls are what we crave, strangled on a noose, skewered and filleted! All around bodies burn to ash, anguish and torment, your pretty little face we smash! Beating the fetus, 'til it's dead, "Why won't you die?!" Picking the scabs off her head, pumping faster, pumping deep, my thick cock meets tight young meat! Spread your legs and you'll recieve, remove the scabs and watch them bleed! I grabbed her quick, stuck my dick in her face, said "Suck it bitch, if you want to live!"

Tampered Flesh

Picked you up, in the dead of night, for a long time been in my sight! My hands are sweaty, and I'm horny, don't speak a word, you'll just bore me! Trapped inside, can't get out, rip your face, you can't shout! Tied you down, had my way I just wanted, to get laid! Fucked you hard and now I'm done, didn't take long for me to cum! Roll you over, sinister grin, tearing apart, I now begin! Killed you fast, the meat is fresh, full course meal for my lunch! Slicing into you looked good, cook the eyes, think I could?! Still moving, lifeless creature spawn, mistreat the tampered flesh! Sodomize eagerly, slapping my cock on, your bare skull! Thick jism spashes you, scent of vesceration, masturbation, ejaculation, boy this is fun! I put you in the tup, bathe with your stub! Still moving, lifeless creature spawn, mistreat the tampered flesh!

The age of Clitoral Decay



Matt Bishop - Vocals, Guitar
Dave Kibler - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Mike Smith - Bass Guitar
Nick Null - Drums

Also Check out:
Fetish for the Sick

Show us your Tits! Live

...'Til Only the Sick Remain


Oozing Vaginal Discharge

Semen mixed with your feces, rectal high. Choked on dick, oozing blood. Beating on my stiff cock, should you fuck me? Tied up, I stick your legs in the air. Your cunt, tastes just as sweet as your asshole. Trust me my dick you'll feel. Cutting the skin between your asshole. My dick is just to big to fit in. All the years of mental torment. Never, will you ever, will you hurt me again. All the years of mental torment. Never, will you ever, will you hurt me again. God is dead, crucified his bastard son, took his place on the cross. Now Mary awaits, for my cock to take control. Suck my dick you sweet whore. God is dead, crucified his bastard son, took his place on the cross. Sucking on my cock, is it everything you dreamed of? Knife wounds on your clit, ripping out your uterus.

The Urge To Splurge

Wide awake in the night, I rip and tear with my knife. Hooks of steel, razor blades, blood run red, panic stray. Just past one I start my show, Pretty soon the blood will flow. Gouging eyes, unborn shits, looking for a pregnant bitch. Stalking my pray, lie spread out, gripping it hard, for it is my life. Found my whore and she is sweet, waited long enough for this fucking treat. O so round and filled inside, my cock is hard, she is mine. I slit her as I fucked her nice wet pussy, I love to eat. Tied her up, show no mercy. YOU BITCH DIE!

Chamber of Bone

Putrid, rancid mesh of flesh, set fire by desire. Burning to ash, then collected, for our sadistic pleasing. Carving pentagram onto virgins back, masses silently chant.,"For a end to it all." Enter the chamber of bone, forgive me for the horrors you see. Carnage, mutilated cadavers. Bodies ripped to shreds. Carving pentagram onto virgins back, masses silently chant.,"For a end to it all." Back to the time of magic, "For a end to it all." Kneel down before me, you taughnt me with lies I've heard before. Slaughter, generations of women who are nothing less than whores. Chained and shacled. Cut off your head. Smeared the blood. Covered in feces. The sanctaty.....of this place.....has been fouled!! How do I endure the pain that I endure? Sacred art of butchery. How do I endure the pain that I endure? (Love to fuck ya) Blessed act of sodomy. Enter the chamber!!!

Anal Action Wife

Plastic bitch, made of rubber. She's my chic, and I'll fuck her. Often in her virgin, tight pink ass. But she breaks, need another full time slit, real is better. Fuck me or I'll kill you, suck my dick. I stick something thats sharp up your butt, then slice. You'll feel nothing as I rape your cunt to death. Now I rip your spine right out your... Use the shit for lube thats on my... Now your ass is mine. A tapestry of carcass. Phlem and pulp splatter your nightmares... or dreams. Ripped of sin. I eviscerate the bitch in her tight pink rectum. Sucked my dick, milked my load out. Please sir quit, not until I'm done with your tight virgin, loosened ass. Cut your tits, blood shoots on my rock hard prick, done with you I dump you in the river, leave you there.

Stench of Virginity

I will rape you from behind, stench of your virginity overwhelms! Forcing my cock to mouth! Suck it you worthless whore! Grinding, pumping, ripping, tearing, raping til' you're dead! Make you vomit feces, all over my dick! Fucking in both holes, pleasure to me, sacred act of killing! I will rape and fuck you til' there's nothing left to rape and fuck, then fuck some more! Ignore your screams for mercy! God can't save me, my mind is bound, crucified! My guilt is laid upon the cross for all the world to see! I will slit you up your crack, aroused by virgin blood, cumming on your bloodstained tits! Both chicks, dead by now! More I need, man, my dick is stiff now! Reach back and lick it, never will I miss the stench of shit that overwhelms all of my sense of reason! Fucking your ass 'til your body turns numb! You will cry and scream, as I pump in your ass! Beg for me to quit! All of the pain that I've inflicted, why don't I just kill you now?! Cry and scream as I pump in your ass (x4)! The pain goes on! To dine on flesh, and beat the corpse into submission! Prosthetics decay as I rot in the bowels of disease!


Food!! I'm looking for food! Nightly strolls turn me on, looking for food.
(Chorus) Evil tales of abbattoir, butchers of human meat. Stabbing my victims to fullfill their every need. Systematic death, mutilated gore. Bodies ripped apart, all you do is scream for more.
Grab her from behind, taking my knife I slit her throat. Stick it deep, I carve away, total erect she is my prey.
Taking home the silent stump, to broil and blaze for my fucking lunch. Clean and cut to perfect chuncks, butchered and froze, food for a mouth. Her sweet ass I use for stew. Silent stump, broil and blaze. Butchered and froze to perfect chuncks. Food for a month. Her sweet ass I use!

Dismembering Her Lifeless Corpse

Burn you whore. Sins by the millions. Rot you bitch. Two-faced slut. United we stand against all these whores that stand before us. They'll take our loads, make them feel the pain they've put you through. Alive no more, never wake up, never wake up. Piece of shit, total waste of human life. Waste of flesh, thought you said you were my friend. All lies!!! Expect no sympathy. All I want to do is fuck you. Like the bitch, that you are. I will mistreat you, I will mistreat you, I will mistreat you. Forced me to stick my dick in your ass again. If I've mistaken you for a whore, you must forgive me, you just act like one. Can you imagine, how many things you can die from? While you were sleeping, dice you up and take you home. No more cries. Silent scream. Fucked her dead. Lifeless corpse. Wake you up at 2am and rip your heart out your cunt. You fucking bitch, you make me sick, I wish that you were never born. Can't let it slide. Chop you into little pieces, plenty of meat to last me months...killer!! Fucked her dead. Lifeless corpse. Like the bitch that she was. You are not the only one, memories burn inside of me. Of thousands put to death, pushing daisies at their feet. Dismembering her lifeless corpse. Oh, how I need to feel your lifeless corpse, I feel the need. I feel the need to carve you up, and cover your body with all the cum I can muster up. I feel the need....Dismembering her lifeless corpse!!!

Bloody Pit of Horror

Stench of rot and filth prevails. You fight against the iron chains to no avail. Strung you up in my of torture and sin. Naked and sweating, let the beatings begin! Warm up the tongs in the fireplace. Press the searing metal against your innocent face. Break out the whip, put you to the test. Pour molten hot oil on your quivering breast... My body count continues, you're just another bitch. When I'm finished I'll dump you in a ditch. Strap your welted body to my wooden rack. If you're lucky you'll die of a heart attack. The horrible bed of nails could be too much for you. But if you don't like it, I've got a mask of spikes for you! Vice grips crush your breasts in a screaming fit. I'll nail your fingers to the table, make you eat your own shit! And when I'm through you'll be begging for more. And I'll rape broken body in my bloody pit of horror!!!

Sodomy Ritual

So you won't let me stick it in your ass you fuckin' whore! Well suck on this!! Whores and bitches, taking my load. Sit down, lie back, don't breathe, kill you in the nighty, then fuck, cut you from privates. Make you drink the blood, of my God. Maggot...ridden...human...feast. Say your no whore, prove it to me. Never will you see me, never will you hurt me, never will you ever will you fuck me again. Say you're no whore, prove it to me, I will prove you wrong. Say you're no whore, prove it to me. Never will you see me, never will you hurt me, never will you ever will you fuck me again. Say you're no whore, prove it to me. Never will you see me, never will you hurt me, never will you ever will you fuck me again. Cult of death, bleeding from the virgins cunt. Fuck off life, lust to worship a lord. I will kneel, I am your strength now. Praise to hell, priority shaft satisfaction. Dark emotions swell in my brain as I bust a load in your ass. Sodomy ritual, savage butchery to an orifice. Repulsive practice, taking my length. Suck my dick you whore. God can't help this time. Suck my dick bitch.

All musick and lyrics written and performed by Lividity except for "Bloody Pit of Horror" Writen by Impetigo.

Copywritten and protected 2000

...'Til Only the Sick Remain



Matt Bishop - Vocals, Guitar
Dave Kibler - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Aaron Heath - Bass Guitar
James Whitehurst - Drums

Also Check out:
Fetish for the Sick

Show us your Tits! Live

The Age of Clitoral Decay

Lyrics Cumming soon!!