"Time to say goodbye": Metalium is planning to split and stop all activities in 2011!
All musicians are meanwhile involved in many other activities (private as well as music-wise) and after nearly 13 years with 9 cd's and 2 dvds, the chapters will come to an end in 2011. The bandmembers share a deep friendship underneath and want to say thanks to our longtime label Massacre Records,and all fans & supporters around the world who kept the flame burning since the band's beginning in 1998.
The 5-piece group will play some farewell shows which will be multitrack-recorded for a final Live-CD which comes together with 4-5 new studio songs we will record end 2010. This final output with the live cd and new studio songs will be completed with some rare photos and further footage and released over Massacre records in 2011.
The first part of the farewell tour will take place in Spain at following dates, Henning, Matthias, Tolo, Michael and Lars are looking forward to have a killer Metal-party with you one last time!!!
24.10.10 (ES) DONOSTI - STUDIO 21
With the new release in near sight, it's about HIGH time you get to see the cover...

dont forget, OUT ON SEPTEMBER 25th!
Some shows for Germany and the Netherlands are added on the tourdatespage,so check it out!__________________________________________________________
The release for our new album, GROUNDED - Chpt VIII, is planned for September 2009, more specific dates will follow later. In the meantime you can enjoy another new song up on our Myspace, - Light Of Day - and in a week or two we'll add one more.
Finally we are proud to announce the title for our new album, which shall carry the name GROUNDED - Chpt VIII. The mix is done, and to give you a little taste, the track " Heavy Metal " is up on the player on our Myspace, just click the link in de menu and check it out!.
Some little previews on the recordings for Chpt VIII are up on the downloads page, check it out!
Two NEW dates are added to the tourdates calendar, hopefully some more will follow.__________________________________________________________
Finally we have the date for our anniversary releases:
27.02.2009 METALIUM Millennium Metal Ch. I & State Of Triumph Ch. II 2-CD + bonus material!
27.02.2009 METALIUM Hero Nation Ch. III & As One Ch. IV 2-CD + bonus material!
27.02.2009 METALIUM Demons Of Insanity Ch. V & Ten years live DVD CD & DVD + bonus material!
Hope you'll enjoy!
HAVE A HEAVY ROCKIN' NEW YEAR !!!__________________________________________________________
10th Anniversary coming up!
For this occasion we will release 3 boxes:
First box:
Millennium Metal –chapter one
State Of Triumph – chapter two
+Bonus tracks
Second box:
Hero Nation – chapter three
As One – chapter four
+ Bonus tracks
Third box:
Demons of Insanity – chapter five
DVD compilation with parts of Metalian Attack Part 1 and 2 + unreleased material.
These boxes will be released by Massacre, around the end of the year.
Two NEW songs are uploaded to our Myspace, click the link in the menu to check 'em out !!!
The NEW METALIUM will be titled INCUBUS
The release is planned for Jan/Feb 2008.
Check out the PREVIEW here or right-click for download.

1 Trust (Intro)
2 Resurrection
3 Gates
4 Incubus
5 Take me higher
6 Never die
7 At Armageddon
8 Sanity
9 Meet your maker
10 Hellfire
11 Soulchaser (Japan Bonus)
"INCUBUS" is carrying on the heavy style and touches very realistic themes like the controversy of the church and "the evil". The title song "Incubus" is an epic song of over 8 minutes and original phrases of an exorcism process were used to give the song an extra authentic feel.
METALIUM LIVE the 10th November 2007 AT:
METALIUM has confirmed to play at the ROCKSTARS FESTIVAL, July 14th '07, Bullring of Cehegin - Murcia, spain.
NOTHING TO UNDO will be released in BRAZIL , March 26th by Dynamo . __________________________________________________________
Lars Ratz at www.mariscalrock.com Radio, Promotour 2007, Madrid, Spain click here to see video ... __________________________________________________________
NOTHING TO UNDO has been released in EUROPE NOW !!!
Check your local record store and GET IT !!! __________________________________________________________
Lyrics and samples from the NEW album are online now,
you can check'em out HERE__________________________________________________________
EUROPE: 26.01.2007
US: 20.02.2007
JAPAN: 22.02.2007
S-America and Russia: End of Feb__________________________________________________________
So here it is, the long awaited cover!

Nothing To Undo will be releaed in February 2007
1 Spineless Scum
2 Spirits
3 Mindless
4 Straight Into Hell
5 Mental Blindness
6 Heroes
7 Way Home
8 Dare
9 Follow the Sign
10 Show Must Go On - Queen Cover
11. Way Home – Orchestral (Japan Bonus Track)
Also we're happy to announce that we're one of the first Bands ever, who is giving their fans a free complete METAL-RINGTONE-COLLECTION with unique and special excerpts of the recordings sessions. Signals, separated from the other instruments like: Screams, Chorus Lines, Guitar Riffs, Drumsfills, Bassruns, Choirs, Shouts, Keyboards and as well complete edited choruses. Previews for free download (wma format) and use in your mobile phone you can find HERE__________________________________________________________
The title of the NEW Metalium will be “Nothing To Undo – Chapter VI”
It’s an unusual “realistic” and “direct" title for a METALIUM album but it fits the best to express the meaning of the lyrics.
The lyrical themes are about the deepest innerside of a human being…. Lies, betrayal, false friends… but also about honour, loyalty and blind understanding.
In general the most direct and dramatic lyrics of Metalium so far and more related to reality than the other chapters.
Once more the lyrics were written by Lars and Michael and we feel that we are getting more and more closer with our style of writing, eventhough both writers kept definitely their own style as always._______________________________________
While the recordings for CHPT VI are still going on, here is a list of the songtitles :
When Death Calls
Dare to fly
When the sky comes down
Setting Spirits free
On My Way
Straight out of hell
Never Die
Straight out
Straight to hell
Mental Blindness
Follow The Sign
Roast for your rotten lies
...cover from Queen...
The order of the songs might change later on._______________________________________
New tourdates for Spain added !!!
Metalium is finishing up on the writings for Chpt VI , vocals are planned to be done in August. The theme of the new album will be very dark so Mr Ratz says and the release is planned for early 2007. More detailed news will follow ....
Lars & Michael are teaming up with some other musicians in a new project called APOLON :
The APOLON project is looking for kick ass singer ! In case YOU are a flexible Metal-shouter …here is YOUR chance !!
What comes out if a edge cutting BLACK METAL guitarist (V Santura of DARK FORTRESS), a spherical keyboarder (Joost van den Broek of AFTER FOREVER) and the thundering rhythm section of an traditional Heavy Metal act (Lars Ratz and Michael Ehre of METALIUM) are teaming up for an unusual and exciting project ? Nobody will know before recordings are mixed ! But before mixing any recordings a capable singer will be needed ! Instead of checking out only already known singers out APOLON gives singers around the world through the wide web the chance to send their demos in… it doesen’t matter where in the universe you are from…click here for details and info: www.apolon.de
For the U.S.A :
CENTURY MEDIA will have the DVD " Metalian Attack pt II" (as well as WEINHOLD and SAEKO cds) in stock before the end of June. Direct Man to contact is: jsolom@centurymedia.com_______________________________________
In anticipation of the new DVD that'll be released May 19th, we're having a competition where you can WIN this BRAND NEW DVD on the Special's page !!!
Answer the question & who knows you'll be the lucky one !_______________________________________
DVD News:
Finished cover:

"Metalian Attack - part two" contains 4 (!) hours of pure Metal. Main Concert in Stereo AND 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound
DVD Content :
Live shows, Interviews, Picture galleries, On the road, In the studio, Off-stage footage, Metalium's evolution slides ….
Songs on the DVD :
- Fight
- Name Of Blood
- Demons of Insanity
- Endless Believer
- Rasputin
- Destiny
- Power of Time
- Eye of the Storm
- Odin's Spell
- Cyber Horizon
- Metamorphosis
- Metalium
Menu-sounds by Don Airey
European Release : May 19th
On the SPECIAL page : A song taken from the NEW upcoming WEINHOLD album featuring our own Mr Ratz and Michael Ehré ! check it out !!!
The band recorded some shows for editing their 2nd dvd. The release is planned for April 2006 and and will feature live songs in Stereo and Surroundsound as well as behind the scene shots, studio shots and interviews. _______________________________________
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